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Sambal & Mages Merch Design

Sambal and Mages is Singapore's first handmade resin dicemakers. At first, I gained the opportunity to design a staff shirt for their SG Comic Con's booth. The collaboration then further snowballed to designing dice trays, packaging for the dice trays, Chinese New Year T-shirts, and DnD stickers.

Like the founders of Sambal & Mages, my designs for their merchandise consist of both Chinese and Malay elements. They also reminisce about the visual styles from mid-20th century Singapore.

Our collaboration is far from ending and I look forward to more merch designs with them.

Dice Tray

Chinese New Year T-shirt

DnD Stickers

DnD stickers

My Stickers at 

Singapore Comic Con 2023.

Behind the Stickers video

that I edited

My stickers were also made into


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